
Newsletter for the Washington, DC Greater Metropolitan Area. April 2014

 Help yourself to have a better memory. The book “Sort Your Brain Out” by Dr. Jack Lewis and Adrian Webster, with ideas on how to improve your memory, includes practical recommendations that are easy to follow. Here is a summary for your daily practice:

a)      Water.  Start every day rehydrating your brain.  Every day, when you wake up after several hours of sleep your brain is dehydrated and in need of water. Why dehydrated?

While you are breathing in your sleep, bringing oxygen into your body and exhaling carbon dioxide, your lungs need moisture. This means we are releasing tiny bits of water every time we breathe in and out. During the day you drink water automatically whenever you feel thirsty or when you eat, but during the night, the opportunities to replace the lost water are fewer, so you need to correct the imbalance by drinking water as soon as you get out of bed.

b)      Exercise. When you exercise your body releases hormones and brain chemicals that make you feel good.  Research indicates that people who exercise regularly, enjoy better brain functions. It increases the rate at which brain cells are created.

c)      Stress Management. Cortisol is one of the hormones released in your body as a response to everyday problems and the reason why you feel drained when stressed. But cortisol is also a chemical that helps us do things, finish a project, and also mobilizes brain and body to deal with life’s daily stresses. It increases metabolism so that more physical and mental energy is available to deal with the problem.

Stress is good, but living under stress every day when it becomes chronic, is definitely bad. We have to remember that cortisol suppresses the immune system. When cortisol levels remain high for many weeks and months, the body and brain never get the chance to repair and fight disease.

(The Silva Method relaxation exercises and techniques are a great help to manage stress. When you relax/meditate on a regular basis, your brain is producing good chemicals into your body, allowing you to live a healthier happier life).

d)      Sunshine. When ultraviolet (UV) light strikes the skin, the human body produces vitamin D, used in the brain to make a very important brain chemical called serotonin.  This chemical helps the body in a variety of ways, including mood regulation. People who suffer from depression take medications high in serotonin. It is recommended that when days are shorter when it is most probably we will not get enough UV, we need to be more vigilant about getting out into daylight.  When days are cloudy, clouds cover a large proportion of the visible light; but the strength of UV light is not diminished. You can still get sunburn on the beachon a cloudy day.

e)      Caffeine in moderation. Recent scientific evidence indicates that if you drink tea or coffee daily, in moderation, the active ingredients do wake you up. These ingredients raise your alertness to the same levels of people who have never touched a drop of coffee or the in their lives. This indicates that a moderate consumption of caffeinated beverages is actually good for your brain.


April 26-27. Silva Life System. This program is designed to help your personal development, sharing practical exercises and techniques that will help you achieve the goals you are looking for, either in your health, work/business, relationships, memory improvement, decision making, and anything you need to experience that sense of personal satisfaction.  Give us a call for more information or to register and join us!

Silva Intuition System. Date and place to be announced. Develop your intuition learning how to project your mind without limits of time or space. To participate in this program you need to have taken the Basic Course that was offered in the past or the Silva Life System. Keep in touch for more information.

September. We will have the presence of Dr. Omar Mustafa Chama, Silva Director for South America and Portugal. As happens with our biologic DNA, containing inherited information about our ancestors; our energy also contains information related to our ancestors. What kind of energy are we carrying from them, that is affecting how we feel and how we conduct our lives at present? What kind of energetic information are we carrying within that interferes with our legitimate desires and aspirations? And, what can we do to change it? We will keep you informed on the details and exact dates of his presentation.  This program will be presented in SPANISH.

SILVA GRADS. We need your success stories! It is amazing when we hear wonderful stories told by Silva Grads. Let’s share those stories with the rest of Silva Grads.

For many religions, this month is a month of celebration, emphasizing Peace, Love and Reflection. PEACE builds a better world to live in and to pass onto future generations. LOVE for our fellows, where religious and other preconceived differences do not come between us; and REFLECTION on what we can do to create a better life for ourselves and the world around us. It is our responsibility to work toward the achievement of a better quality of life for everyone.

The PEACE of the Lord be with you and your families.


Diana and Richard  

Diana M. Oulahan
Silva Method Instructor
Certified Personal Coach
Tel: 703-866-4030
Fax: 703-496-3239


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