
Do you follow the SEVEN RULES OF LIFE?

Newsletter for the Washington, DC Greater Metropolitan Area.
July 2014

Recently we met with a group of Silva friends to discuss and reflect upon the SEVEN RULES OF LIFE. We are including a summary of our conversation. Enjoy it!

1. Make Peace with your Past. Many times we let the past keep us stagnate. We let the memories and interpretations of the past erect mental and emotional blocks from moving forward. But when we realize that the past can not be change, only our interpretation of it, then we are open to learn from it, to help us avoid future errors and to create more mature ways of thinking.

2. Value Yourself and Don’t Worry What Others Think. This has to do with your self-esteem, the trust, self-confidence and responsibility you have for yourself. When you are capable of discovering all your potential, you have discovered who you really are.

3. Give Time to Time. Time heals everything. There are
situations/experiences/pains that affects us in such ways that looks as if we will never recover. But time heals everything. One day we discover we have overcome the past situation and found new opportunities. We should be thankful for the challenge that made us stronger and ready to keep enjoying life.

4. Look for Peace, Calmness and Joy within You. This is part of your discovery of a whole new being and a new path for the development of your spirituality. Many times we focused on exterior and the material things for our happiness. When we discover what we can create by ourselves we also create a new person out of who we are.

5. Do not compare your life with other people’s lives. We are the product of our thoughts and believes. You have the capacity to create the life you want. We have to keep in mind that we are unique beings with unique capacities. Nobody is like us. Just this thought transforms us into special people and as such, we can create the life we wish to have.

6. Sometimes there are not answers. Accept what it is and move forward. At times there are no explanations. We do not have the answers for everything in life. The Universe is full of surprises that we do not understand or, we might find the response to what and why happened years latter.

7. Smile. You don’t have all the problems in the world. Even if you feel overcome with problems, smile. By smiling you can even fool your brain, making it believe you smile is real. The muscles/nerves you move on your face when you smile make the brain believe you are happy and consequently the brain reacts by releasing chemicals related with happiness into your body. If you don’t have anyone around you to mile to, just look at yourself in the mirror. The image reflected is a beautiful person, YOU, and you deserve a good smile.

UPCOMING: THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR 2014. Open to all public.

By understanding why the Universe included us within our family, we reconstruct and give new significance to our lives. This allows us to admit the need to forgive without hypocrisy or false adulation and reconstruct in more profound ways our family ties. The workshop will help us build bridges that lead us to other human beings who –in the spiritual field- function as true family members, as real as those we are connected with by blood.

This workshop will specially help all of us who are immigrants to better understand the culture from which we came, and the present culture in which we live, and how to take advantage of our family culture to live a happier and more successful life in this United States.

Sept. 14 (Sunday). The Role of Consciousness & Vision, Keys in the Success of the Company and/or your Project.
Every company or small business or project experiences the complexity of a changing world. To create a process toward SUCCESS in the face of continual change, we have to develop an understanding of and sense of consciousness for all persons and stakeholders who affect and are affected by the business or project. This process starts with understanding the WHOLE, allowing us to then construct its different parts. These parts get their significance from their relationship with the WHOLE or total vision of the project or company.

This vision of SUCCESS includes material profitability, but also harmonizes with a sense of satisfaction on the part of all stakeholders associated with the organization. Does your company, organization or project have a clear sense of direction? Is every one synchronized with this direction? The vision has to be clear, specific and highly motivating, and consider all the people and elements involved. Every person, element and part has significance because they are associated with the WHOLE and help create this WHOLE.

This workshop’s objective is to analyze how to build and implement this new vision of what a business or company is, working with the WHOLE to assure success.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford

These two September workshops will be offered in SPANISH. If you have relatives or friends who speak Spanish, please share this information with them. Thank you.

November 15-16. Success: Full Living with Fr. Justin Belitz from the Franciscan Monastery of Indiana. What a thrill it is to see individuals of every age, religion, culture, and occupation find their way to more peaceful, more productive, more satisfying lives!

“I came that you may have life and have it to the full”. These are not empty words! Jesus meant that while we are on earth we should have health, happiness, family, friends, all the material things we need, love, joy and peace. All this is part of the kingdom! However, you know and I know that not everyone is experiencing that fullness. But when that happens, there is nothing wrong with god.
Success in life is really a simple process, even though our technological world has tried to make us think otherwise. The essentials are these: 1) choose appropriate goals and 2) develop positive attitudes. Everything else happens automatically.
This workshop will give you tools that you can use for the rest of your life—tools that you can give to your children and grandchildren for the rest of their lives!
Take advantage of this opportunity and celebrate every day of your life!

Enjoy your summer!

Diana & Richard Oulahan
Silva Method Instructors

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