Research & News

What the Scientific Community has to say about Silva Method ®

In the past 5 decades, The Silva Method has touched over 6 million lives in 110 countries, and is used by everyone from celebrities to high-flying CEOs to regular people in search of personal breakthroughs.

Our books have sold over 12 million copies, our seminars continue to sell out across the world, and our findings have been endorsed and practiced by many of the world’s most respected scientists, doctors, thought leaders and spiritual teachers.

A program backed by science and research

We’ve spent nearly 50 years researching, experimenting and collaborating with leading scientists, researchers and personal growth leaders.

The first scientist to investigate the research of The Silva Method was Dr. J. Wilfrid Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation in California, who went on to endorse our work. Since then, various research institutions, universities and scientists have studied and verified our research, including:

  • Duke University, North Carolina
  • Trinity University, Texas
  • University of Texas, Texas
  • Wayland Baptist University, Texas
  • C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University, New York
  • Canisius College, New York

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Over the years we have continued to fine-tune the process of tapping into the human mind’s inner potential-and often profoundly changing our students’ lives in the process.

We do this through an optimized curriculum that includes the Centering Exercise, guided meditations, visualization techniques, intuition-enhancing tools and Theta level exercises, which guide our students into an even deeper level of mind than Alpha.

In 2010, Machange your brainrk Robert Waldman, the world-famous neuroscientist and bestselling author of How God Changes Your Brain said…

“Based on the newest findings from Harvard’s recent genetic study on the effects of relaxation, breathing awareness, and positive guided imagery, I feel confident that many of the methods, as taught by Silva International, can stimulate gene expression in the brain that are involved in reducing physical and psychological stress and boosting immune functioning.”

Find out more about the scientific evidence and validation behind The Silva Method.

Award-winning specialist endorses The Silva Method

Carl SimontonDr. O. Carl Simonton, founder of the Simonton Research Institute, award winning specialist and pioneer in imagery therapy for patients said:

“You see, I began with the idea that a patient’s attitude played a role in his response to any form of treatment and this could influence the course of his disease, I found the (Silva) Mind Control concepts gave me a tool to use in teaching the patient how to begin the interaction and become involved with his own health process.” He also said The Silva Method is one of… the most powerful single tools that I have to offer the patient.

~ Dr. O. Carl Simonton, founder of the Simonton Research Institute

“Reduces physical and psychological stress and boosts immune functioning”

WaldmanIn 2010, Mark Robert Waldman, the world-famous brain researcher and bestselling author of How God Changes Your Brain said: Based on the newest findings from Harvard’s recent genetic study on the effects of relaxation, breathing awareness, and positive guided imagery, I feel confident that many of the methods, as taught by Silva International, can stimulate gene expression in the brain that are involved in reducing physical and psychological stress and boosting immune functioning.

~ Mark Waldman The World’s leading experts on spirituality and the brain

nytThe New York Times, April 16, 1972

Extract from a New York Times Article on Jose Silva

“A recent study by Trinity University, San Antonio, Tex. would appear to indicate that graduates of Mind Control do attain a high degree of Alpha production. C. W. Post College, Greenvale, L. I., is planning to offer the course at its business school this fall and Canisius College will offer it in its Department of Religious Studies.

A visit to a Mind Control class in New York discloses more stockbrokers than bearded way outs and the dress style is closer to Brookes Brothers than to the East Village. A major New York company has sent all its top executives through the course and its president, a hard-headed businessman is seriously thinking of instituting an in-house training program for all employees. He refused to speak for the record, saying, We think there is something there, but I don’t want to alarm our stockbrokers at the moment.

Other businessmen are not so reluctant. Lee Epstein, a vice- president and art group supervisor at Doyle Dane Bernbach volunteered: It opened the gates for me. It has re-energized me, made me more creative and yet more relaxed. I practice it every day and get better and better at my job and my life.”

Post ReviewsThe Washington Post Reviews A Silva Seminar

In 1972, David R Boldt, a journalist for the Washington Post, decided to investigate a Silva class after hearing about our training curriculum.

He was initially skeptical, but what he discovered at this class changed his life. Download this PDF to learn more about his experiences, which included Alpha Level meditations, ESP-boosting exercises and Caseworking.

Download the PDF here »

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Want to learn more about the scientific history behind The Silva Method? Download How Science Discovered The Silva Method, a PDF report revealing Jose Silva’s pioneering research, how he gained the approval of the scientific community, and the eye-opening studies that support our findings.

.Download the full report

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